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I want it all to go back to the way it was before
Pippa Healy is a photographer, artist and printmaker based in London. Her
raw, diaristic practice responds to events that have occurred in her life,
therefore it has a unique sense of authenticity. Healy’s work references
loss, grief, longing and violence and it’s rather difficult to pigeonhole
as every
Holidays — The Wait
Floriana Avellino captures the joy of going on a holiday and its little, often unnoticed moments in her project The Wait. The body of work focuses in particular on the moments before departure, which are often ignored as the main part of the “real” holiday tends to be what interests most.
Beach Boulevard
Brian O’Neill is an Illinois-based sociologist and photographer whose work looks
at the human condition and society’s relationship to nature. He investigates the
various meanings of “industry” and how it affects local communities and
environments. Beach Boulevard, his first photographic publication, is a small
spiral-bound book in a small edition of 100. Rather than probing the typical
documentary question “what’s going on here” it delves deeper and wonders how we
actually got to our current sta
The Sunshiners. Code Red in Green China
Plastic pollution may seem to be something that doesn’t have a monumental
impact on our daily lives right now, but issues like climate change and
pollution do not take a gradual curve. They do not have to slowly
deteriorate, kindly giving us enough time to notice that something is
The project exposes the living conditions that Puerto Ricans have to endure such as natural catastrophes, limited government support and unstable electric service. Although the series began in 2013, it wasn’t until 2017 when Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico that Saldaña realised the series is something more than just a personal project — it is a testament of the residence of the local population.
This project documents today’s techno culture in Berlin, and shows how it has been transformed into a mainstream culture that attracts millions of tourists to the city each year.
Missed Care
The referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU was one of the most divisive
moments in modern history — back in 2016 and ever since then, the country felt
more polarised than ever before with a clearly growing sense of “us” and “them”.
People were either unable to or would refuse to see some of the good points that
the other side was making. The Remain side was branded “Project Fear” as they
were providing predictions of what would happen. Some of these didn’t happen,
but others, unfortunately,
A person’s own life ultimately comes to a screeching halt when their child is born. They are no longer fully free or the center of their own universe as there is that tiny human whose creation they were responsible for and who cannot take care of their own basic needs.
While I Was Sleeping
While I Was Sleeping is the third part of a trilogy of projects that came out of that shift (the other two being After the Fact and Endless Plain). These projects, by and large, use documentary techniques and the resulting images look like documentary photographs, but they are not intended to document an event.
One Hundred Yards From Home
A photographic exploration of family relationships and an inquiry into connection, history and the fragility of the tie between mother and daughter.