May 18, 2023

Paco Poyato brings us back a few decades to the times when the Berlin Wall divided Berlin and, subsequently, Germany into two parts — East and West.

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Imagine being there, in full absence of clarity what's going to happen next minute, hour and day. Is there a future? If so, how does it look? The whole world can not answer this question facing a tyrannous psycho, a hostage of his own crimes on a global scale, entangled in his own lies. All we admire, adore and pray for the Ukrainian people whose will for freedom is the most inspiring thing these days.
Emanuele Mei
A person’s own life ultimately comes to a screeching halt when their child is born. They are no longer fully free or the center of their own universe as there is that tiny human whose creation they were responsible for and who cannot take care of their own basic needs.
Shervine Nafissi
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According to the Climate Central app, Thanet, the UK is likely to become an island again within the next decade. In this ongoing project, King documented the affected areas before they are submerged, using the materiality of the sea within the production of the work.
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