May 18, 2023

National oddities and peculiarities were the starting point for Edward Thompson’s project In-A-Gadda-Da-England. Born and bred in the U.K., he offers his viewers the perspective of an insider who had spend his whole life surrounded by British culture

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mnngful curates and features outstading documentary projects by independent photograhers in our newsletter.
After the Fall is a body of work by Stewart Weir documenting the fall of the Taliban when the city of Herat was taken over by the Northern Alliance. The images were taken almost 20 years ago, in 2002, shortly after the Twin Towers in the US fell on September
Stewart Weir
We are contacting photographers and authors who work in Ukraine to help spread their stories. Here's the first one. Please share and join us in supporting Ukrainians — the info is below. On the first day of the invasion, nobody was ready for HOW nightmarish it would be, nobody believed that this will end up with rocket strikes targeting civilian neighborhoods of Kiyv and other cities. So, it is where we are now. Evgeny Maloletka [], a Ukrainian freelance photojo
Evgeniy Maloletka
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While I Was Sleeping is the third part of a trilogy of projects that came out of that shift (the other two being After the Fact and Endless Plain). These projects, by and large, use documentary techniques and the resulting images look like documentary photographs, but they are not intended to document an event.
Tony Fouhse
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