February 7, 2022

Hasankeyf is an ancient town in Southeastern Turkey, located along the Tigris river in the Batman province. It was established in the 18th century BC and in 1981, almost 3600 years later, it was declared a natural conservation area by Turkey. In spite of this, it’s been regularly flooded as part of a dam-building project, regardless of the concerns raised by the local population and the international community. Hussain Ali is a British-Iraqi documentary photographer who is interested in capturi

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mnngful curates and features outstading documentary projects by independent photograhers in our newsletter.
Plastic pollution may seem to be something that doesn’t have a monumental impact on our daily lives right now, but issues like climate change and pollution do not take a gradual curve. They do not have to slowly deteriorate, kindly giving us enough time to notice that something is
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Edwin Ndeke’s body of work focuses on Kibera — one of the largest urban settlements in the world which is situated on the periphery of Nairobi, Kenya’s capital with a population of approximately 2.5 million. Poverty, disease and crime are not uncommon when discussing Kenya and Africa in
Edwin Ndeke
Zak Dimitrov moved to London in 2015 and by 2018 he had been on over 100 dates. The man he was going out with at the time, Reggie, turned out to be, as cliche as it sounds, his photographic muse, partially caused by practicalities as he had very little spare time, all of which was spent with Reggie, and he had to take pictures for his final MA project.
Zak Dimirtov
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