February 7, 2022

Hasankeyf is an ancient town in Southeastern Turkey, located along the Tigris river in the Batman province. It was established in the 18th century BC and in 1981, almost 3600 years later, it was declared a natural conservation area by Turkey. In spite of this, it’s been regularly flooded as part of a dam-building project, regardless of the concerns raised by the local population and the international community. Hussain Ali is a British-Iraqi documentary photographer who is interested in capturi

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mnngful curates and features outstading documentary projects by independent photograhers in our newsletter.
Floriana Avellino captures the joy of going on a holiday and its little, often unnoticed moments in her project The Wait. The body of work focuses in particular on the moments before departure, which are often ignored as the main part of the “real” holiday tends to be what interests most.
Floriana Avellino
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The author opens up about his own struggles with Black Eyed Dog — A Photographic Healing Process. It was born out of a breakdown, a complete shutdown of his nervous system which made him find himself in a dark, gloomy place, one which he has never visited before.
Benedict Stenning
Stuart Freedman has the kind of experience in photojournalism that the word “expansive” hardly does it justice. Born in London, he has been a photographer for just over 30 years now and his photography has been published in the likes of Life, National Geographic, Time, Newsweek, Der Spiegel and The
Stuart Freedman
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