May 18, 2023

The body of work investigates the relationship between collectors and their possessions; exploring how ordinary, commonplace objects become extraordinary through the often-obsessive act of collecting.

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mnngful curates and features outstading documentary projects by independent photograhers in our newsletter.
Young Cypriots at months before unavoidable military service. Do they come to celebrate the upcoming life milestone or to protest against forced consription?
Max J
Jan Enkelmann lives and works in London where he spends his time observing people. Many would think that photographers, especially street photographers, go to the street, take countless images and that’s it, job done. I would argue that it takes much more than that — many image-makers would spend more
Jan Enkelmann
No words and tears are enough. Evgeny Maloletka [], a Ukrainian freelance photojournalist based in Kyiv, tells the story of the Mariupol attack via the death of a small girl who was brutally attacked with her parents. A list of answers to the questions "What can I do to help?" [] Reached Ukrainian friends, checked the sources and give you a list of options, direct links to organizations where to donate. The list is bei
Evgeny Maloletka
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